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Ben Conner

Partner | DTB AgriTrade

Ben Conner is a partner at DTB AgriTrade, an agricultural trade policy consulting firm that helps clients pursue their international policy goals, including assistance with trade negotiations, monitoring and analyzing compliance with trade commitments, trade enforcement, and policy advocacy. Before joining DTB AgriTrade, he was the Vice President of Policy at U.S. Wheat Associates, where he worked to address tariffs, trade-restrictive sanitary and phytosanitary measures, and other non-tariff barriers to U.S. wheat exports. Prior to that, he served as the agriculture and trade legislative assistant for U.S. Senator Mike Johanns of Nebraska. Conner holds a joint MS-MBA in food and agribusiness management from Purdue University and Indiana University. He also has a master’s degree in international commerce and policy from George Mason University and was an undergraduate at Miami University in Ohio.